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Genotropin: Full Information

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Genotropin is the laboratory synthesized version of growth hormone (somatotropin) naturally produced by the pituitary gland. With its bioidentical structure, Genotropin HGH is readily utilized by the body’s many growth hormone (GH) receptor cells. In this review of the use of Genotropin for adults, we look at what it does for the adult body, answer some commonly asked questions about Genotropin, and explain the differences in injector methods along with basic instructions for use.

Why is boosting growth hormone levels important for adults if they have already stopped growing?

The body is in a constant state of growth and renewal, even decades after final adult height has been reached. Every day, new cells take the place of those that die off. These cells grow and replicate themselves to keep the muscles and bones strong, the hair and skin thick and healthy, and prevent the internal organs from shrinkage. It is growth hormone that promotes cellular regeneration, along with its mediating hormone, insulin growth factor 1. After prompting the release of IGF-1 from the liver, GH then makes use of that hormone to help stimulate cellular reproduction.

Is the regeneration of cells the only reason why adults need to consider treatment with Genotropin HGH?

No, as a replacement for declining growth hormone levels, Genotropin HGH also strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism, enhances sexual desires and functions, and promotes healthy brain activities.

What can happen if I ignore growth hormone deficiency?

Untreated growth hormone deficiency (GHD) can lead to an increased risk of developing any of the following health concerns:

  • High cholesterol
  • Insulin resistance
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Dementia
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Osteoporosis

Genotropin HGH replenishes the supply of declining growth hormone levels.

Description of Genotropin for Adults

As with the other high-quality brands of HGH, Genotropin contains the same molecular structure as somatotropin: a single chain polypeptide protein consisting of 191 amino acids. Its bioavailability enables the body to put it to direct use in the bloodstream as it travels to and binds with the many growth hormone receptor cells on tissues, muscles, bones, organs, and throughout the brain.

Normal growth hormone production occurs in the anterior portion of the tiny pituitary gland. There, specialized cells called somatotrophs manufacture and release growth hormone into the bloodstream. That process begins to decline as adults enter their mid-twenties. The decrease is slight, which is why most people never even notice any change. However, for some individuals, declining GH levels can lead to unwanted symptoms. That is where Genotropin comes in to play.

Although no longer growing, the body will always require growth hormone. Certain occurrences can hinder GH production, causing levels to decline too fast, resulting in the many symptoms of GHD. The list below highlights some of the most common causes of adult growth hormone deficiency:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Blocked blood supply to the brain
  • Tumor in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland
  • Radiation or surgery to treat the tumor
  • Some genetic conditions
  • Ongoing childhood-onset GHD lasting into adulthood
  • Infection or certain other medical conditions
  • Some medications and treatments
  • Unknown factors (this may include the natural age-associated decline, sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, weight gain, substance abuse, smoking, other hormonal imbalances)

Genotropin has the same molecular structure as natural growth hormone, allowing for superior use by the body’s growth hormone receptors.


Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers, carrying out critical daily functions. Genotropin serves as a supplemental form of human growth hormone to carry out these same functions. All hormones have their ideal levels in the body – a range required to maximize their potential. When a hormone level gets too high or low, for any reason, it can lead to problems. That is why turning to a hormone specialist for diagnosis and treatment is the best option.

Below, we examine some essential factors associated with Genotropin human growth hormone use:


How do I know if I need Genotropin HGH?

Adults with GHD often exhibit symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Changes in body composition (muscle loss, fat increase)
  • Joint pains and stiffness (low bone density)
  • Weakened immune system and slow healing
  • Trouble concentrating, poor cognitive processing, memory loss
  • Thinning or balding hair
  • Aging skin (wrinkles, cellulite, sagging, loss of collagen, age spots)
  • Decreased libido and sexual functions
  • Depression, anxiety, irritability, stress, mood swings
  • Social isolation
  • Lack of motivation

Dosage & Administration

How do I know how much Genotropin to take, and how often to take it?

Each person’s Genotropin dosage may vary depending on their level of deficiency, gender, body composition, health, and age. The doctor assesses the daily injection dosage by reviewing the results of a blood test, physical exam, and medical history questionnaire. Most adults administer their Genotropin shots at night, although there may be instances where the doctor feels a person will benefit more from daytime use.


How do I store my Genotropin?

If you purchase Genotropin in its MiniQuick form, it can be stored at room temperature for up to three months. It can also be kept in the refrigerator. The Genotropin 5 and 12 mg pens require continual refrigeration. Do not freeze Genotropin and keep it away from light, storing it in its protective case or packaging.



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Drug Interactions

Will Genotropin interfere with any of my other medications?

Medications that can interfere with Genotropin include oral estrogen (birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy), diabetes medications (including insulin), corticosteroids (including prednisone and cortisone), and cytochrome P450-metabolized drugs. Tell the doctor about all medicines, including over-the-counter products and supplements.

Warnings & Precautions

What do I need to know before starting Genotropin HGH therapy?

Genotropin HGH therapy is safe when used as prescribed to treat adult GHD. However, certain conditions are contraindicated for using HGH medications, including:

  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Active malignancy or tumor (oncologist will need to sign off once in remission)
  • Hypersensitivity to ingredients in Genotropin
  • Severe breathing issues
  • Complications or critical illness resulting from heart or stomach surgery or from medical trauma

Always discuss any medical issues with the prescribing doctor before starting Genotropin, especially the following:

  • Pregnancy or trying to become pregnant
  • Breastfeeding
  • Diabetes
  • Sleep apnea
  • Scoliosis
  • Underactive thyroid
  • Pituitary gland disorder
  • Liver or kidney issues


What are the positive and negative effects of Genotropin?

Genotropin has many benefits for adults with growth hormone deficiency and only a few potential side effects. The most common reaction is some injection site pain, redness, or irritation. Those issues are short-lived and typically resolve themselves. The two lists below highlight the most common negative and positive effects of Genotropin HGH for adults:


May occur if growth hormone levels get too high:

  • Muscle, nerve, or joint pain
  • Cold or flu-like symptoms
  • Edema
  • Gas or stomach pain
  • Tingling or numbness in the extremities or skin
  • Headache
  • Back pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • High cholesterol
  • Insulin resistance


Genotropin provides many benefits for adults, including:

  • Improving sleep, energy, and stamina
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Enhancing cellular regeneration crucial for healthy organs, muscles, and bones
  • Improving appearance through better skin and hair support
  • Decreasing depression, stress, and anxiety
  • Supporting proper metabolic functions for better body composition and weight loss
  • Enhancing sexual desire and functions
  • Stimulating cognitive processing, learning, and memory
  • Increasing drive, motivation, and productivity
  • Improving quality of life


Is it possible to overdose on Genotropin?

Although an overdose is unlikely when following prescribed medical instructions, taking excessive amounts of HGH can result in shaking, tremors, nausea, rapid heartbeat, weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, cold sweats, or increased hunger. Seek medical help if any of these issues are present.

Genotropin is a safe, legal treatment for adults suffering from growth hormone deficiency.

Genotropin HGH Forms and Usage

Pfizer provides Genotropin subcutaneous injections in a few different forms:

Genotropin Pen Instructions

Genotropin pens come in 5 mg and 12 mg sizes. 5 mg cartridges are only for use in the 5 mg pens, and 12 mg cartridges are only for the 12 mg pens. Once a cartridge is empty, it is discarded and replaced with another. Each cartridge contains two chambers – one holding the diluent and the other the HGH powder. The solution mixes inside the cartridge once it is in place with a needle attached to the pen. Complete cartridge installation instructions come with each Genotropin kit.

Never shake the HGH solution – tip the pen from side to side to complete the mixing process. A fresh needle is used for each injection, discarding the used one in the provided Sharps container. Remember to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before preparing and administering an injection. Always examine the Genotropin solution for discoloration, particles, and expiration dates before each use.

The best spot to use for the injection is the abdomen, approximately one inch away from the belly button and the previous shot. By alternating sides and going a bit higher and lower, it is easy to avoid using the same spot twice. Prepare the injection site by wiping with a fresh alcohol swab before the shot, and letting it air dry.

After dialing the dose of Genotropin HGH on the pen, pinch a fold of sterilized skin and insert the needle into the fold at a 90-degree angle. Push in the injection button until a click is heard and keep the needle in place for 5 seconds before removing. Doing so ensures that all the medication enters the body.

Genotropin MiniQuick Instructions

The Genotropin MiniQuick is a single-dose, prefilled, disposable syringe that comes in 10 different dose strengths. The doctor will prescribe the strength necessary for hormonal balance.

Each MiniQuick syringe contains the Genotropin two-chamber system housing the HGH powder and diluent. The medication is mixed in the syringe right before use – or may be refrigerated for no more than 24 hours.

Each kit comes with complete mixing and injection instructions. A supply of small needles will accompany the MiniQuick order, as a new needle is used for each injection, attaching securely to the tip of the syringe. As with the Genotropin pens, the abdomen is the best place to administer the injection, and the method is similar, sterilizing and pinching the skin before inserting the needle.

Another option is the Genotropin Mixer, a unit that holds the 5 and 12 mg cartridges for use with insulin syringes. Please discuss all Genotropin options with a medical advisor at our clinic. Consultations are provided by phone, free of charge, and confidential for men and women.

This medication can be sold only with a prescription of licensed doctor endocrinologist. Please click the button below, fill in the form and we will call you back to answer all your questions.
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